But these kind of stories don't happen very often, at least not during the summer. In fact, news in the summer is extremely slow. This is what I like to call the Summer Slump.
It's something about kids and teachers being off from work, the weather, and vacations that make it increasingly difficult to find actual newsworthy things happening. In fact, the other day I called the Chemung County executive for an interview about a story I was working on. Unfortunately, he couldn't do it because he was on vacation in Martha's Vineyard. He did pass me along to his deputy executive. But allow me to note that even HE admitted how slow things are in the summer. Before I got off the phone with him, he said, "It's the last week before Labor Day, so I know there's really nothing going on. But I'm telling you, things will pick up once school starts."
And that got me thinking. Does the entire working world revolve around school, students, and education? Is that why (according to my sources) there's so much more happening during the school year instead of the summer months? Or is it just because of the weather, as people generally take off from work more often in the summertime and plan trips?
I'm not really sure which reason is the right one. But either way, it's been noted among my reporter friends and I that it is SLOW GOING in our area right now. I'm ready to move on from the Summer Slump and hope that come the Fall, we pick up the pace a little bit around here.